Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Project Management 6302 - 1543 Words

Project Management 6302 The Family Planning Research Center of Nigeria Yu Hsu (Yeena) Project planning can best be described as the function of selecting the enterprise objectives and establishing the policies, procedures, and programs necessary for achieving them. In this case, Dr. Adinombe Watage is a director of the Family Planning Research Center in Nigeria’s Over-The- River Province. He was assigned a project needs to be done within 60 days and they just have 10 workers for this case. After they calculate, they found out that they need to spend 94 days to complete this project. If they use the Pathminder Fund to hire more employees to speed it up. They still need to estimate the lowest cost for this project. Project Planning†¦show more content†¦It just needs to change five activities, and to complete this project. However, this project requires day is within 60 days, so change more three activities to fit this require. According to this table, to change some activities’ working days not only shorten the duration but also make the cost minimum. For this project, to use the Pathminder Fund is the best choice to complete the project. It will not let the project manager lose his credibility and can be done by the win-win situation. Do not change all of these activities, because it will cost a lot of money, $36,100. Recruit more 7 workers to complete this project in 60 days. Just change the eight activities, and make the cost minimum. The original cost is $25,400. To change eight activities’ cost is $34,300. For this change, the project can be done by 60 days also it won’t cost all of the Pathminder Fund. Human Resource Planning There are only ten people in this organization. It includes the deputy director, Dr. Adinombe Watage, chief clerk, chief nurse and seven workers. For complete this project, recruit more seven people as a worker to complete this project. 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