Monday, December 30, 2019

Assistive Technology Essay - 1078 Words

Assistive Technology The use of technology in educating children with special needs has widely grown in the past few decades. Individuals with special needs are unique and all have different areas in which they need assistance. Due to the advancements in assistive technology, computer programs, software, and other technology tools, it has become much easier for people to find useful and easier ways to become educated. Because of this, â€Å"technology has changed the way people with disabilities live, work, and learn.† (Winzer,98) Although computers were initially created for use in business, they have since become a key resource for teaching all children, including those with special needs.(Winzer, 83) Many†¦show more content†¦These programs are an excellent tool in helping individuals memorize and grasp certain concepts. Other types of traditional applications include tutorial programs, simulation programs, and problem solving programs. Tutorial programs differ greatly from drill and practice software. Instead of re-teaching already learned information, these programs introduce new information, concepts and ideas. Simulation programs are visual simulations that help children with special needs learn how to make good choices. â€Å"These programs model reality and allow students to use their skills to make decisions and solve problems in a safe learning environment.† (Olson, 325) These programs are especially useful in preparing individuals with special needs for life after graduation. By being placed in different situations, children are able to gain knowledge that may help them later on in life. The great aspect of these programs is that the children do not need to leave the computer in order to gain useful outside knowledge. Problem solving programs are also very useful in educa ting kids with special needs. In these types of programs, children are given a problem and then required to take the necessaryShow MoreRelatedAssistive Technology1683 Words   |  7 Pages| Assistive Technology Evaluation | EDU 620 Meeting Individual StudentNeeds With Technology Instructor: Deborah Naughton | | Rhonda Reed | 11/20/2013 | | Assistive Technology Evaluation Assistive technology evaluation must be in an initial or three year reevaluation. In addition, to the assistive technology is that it’s an ongoing process which is driven by a lot of changes in the student needs, but not limited to the participation, access, curriculum, or environmental changesRead MoreAssistive Technology3767 Words   |  16 Pageswalking, eating, washing or driving has necessitated the incorporation of technology into health and social care to enable these people improve their capabilities. There are over 3000 technologies that have been designed to enable these people live productive and fulfilling lives independently. However, when using these technologies, there are several ethical and safety considerations that require to be met. The assistive technologies have been beneficial both to the health and social care organizationsRead MoreAssistive Technology And Instructional Technology1551 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn t think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential.† –Steve Ballmer Technology can be very empowering especially for children who are exceptional. In understanding both Assistive Technology and Instructional technology one may begin to see how they can both beneficial to studentRead MoreAssistive Technology Essay1440 Words   |  6 Pagespresent society places technology on a high pedestal. 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From what support is provided by the school and other agencies, to the standards and regulations thatRead More Assistive Technology for Computing Essay1139 Words   |  5 PagesAssistive Technology for Computing One thing that programmers generally don’t take into account when they’re typing out code is How accessible is my program or website going to be for someone who’s impaired in some way? Unfortunately, this has become a problem in our society which many people are hoping to fix. Already, there’s a huge assortment of products - software, hardware, accessories, etc. - to accommodate those with impairments or disabilities of every sort. Here, we will see the technologyRead More Assistive Technology Essay example2112 Words   |  9 PagesAssistive Technology Abstract: Assistive technology is one way that individuals with learning disabilities have been able to overcome the difficulties with comprehension that they possess. This form of technology comes in many forms, ranging from low to high technology devices. These devices, some as simple as a highlighter, help to organize and keep on track the individual with a learning disability. Assistive technology has many benefits to a student and helps individuals to compensate inRead MoreAssistive Technology Solutions For Students With Learning Disabilities769 Words   |  4 PagesAssistive Technology Solutions Technological advances have increased access to the curriculum for students with learning disabilities. Assistive technology are the devices and services used to maintain or improve the capabilities of a student with a disability (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2011). Through these technologies, students with learning disabilities are able to complete tasks in the classroom that they were otherwise, unable to achieve. Prior to the availability of assistive technology, aRead MoreShould Assistive Technology Be Disabled Students With Disabilities Education Act ( Idea )812 Words   |  4 PagesDisabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1997 and IDEA 2004 provided disabled students with options for assistive technology in the classroom as well as assistive technology services. It is through these mandates that Individual Educational Plans (IEP) began to include assistive technology options. The IDEA 2004 â€Å"law mandates that assistive technology devices and services be provided to students with disa bilities if the technology is essential for accessing education-related resources. (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2012Read More Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities Essay1863 Words   |  8 PagesAssistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities Assistive technology plays an important role in the learning process for individuals with disabilities. Assistive technology is defined as any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. (Maushak, Kelley Blodgett, 2001, p. 419) Assistive technology is very beneficial

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Forgotten Legacy Of The Power Of Possession

oday, the forgotten legacy of the ‘power of possession’ appears evident; however, during the time of Christ the belief in the destructive forces of this occurrence emerges as a severe issue for the general public. Eusebius, a Roman historian, exegete and Christian polemicist, became the Bishop of various Christian centers in Caesarea near the year 314 A.D.; notably, an exceptional Biblical scholar of his time. Eusebius tells of the events of â€Å"Jesus ridding human life from demons of every kind, so that there were some of them now kneeling before Him and beseeching Him not to deliver them over to the Tartarus that awaited them.† Furthermore, Eusebius specifically identifies the goat god Pan as being â€Å"overthrown by Jesus during His ministry.† If you are a true Christian, â€Å"the realism of the devil† and its forces manifestly stand out as crucial, for Jesus’ warfare against Satan endures as critical nucleus of His teachings. Principally, one of the major ‘realities’ of Satan, devil(s) ever documented persists as that of Jesus Christ’s exposure of this evil presence in the New Testament; which occurs as a key happening within Jesus’ ministry (Matt 8:28, Mark 5:15, Luke 8:36). For with the appearance of Christ, ‘a miracle erupts,’ challenging among other things, humanity’s sexuality, (although the majority of people remain unaware of the true mystery that Christ came to earth to expose concerning people’s misguided beliefs regarding their sexuality). Inevitably, this explosiveShow MoreRelatedComparison Between My Last Duchess And Ozymandias1085 Words   |  5 PagesCompare how poets present powerful rulers in Ozymandias and in one other poem (My Last Duc hess) Both initially poems follow a strict structure, which presents the idea of power and control immediately. 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The notion of natural social order in King LearRead MoreLetter from Jean-Jacques Rousseau1244 Words   |  5 Pagesthe people who are a source of sovereignty and hold the greatest power, Mayor Ford has seemed to have forgotten his role in society, and his position within the political system. The article discusses that there is no way of removing him from office short of criminal charges, but they are incapable of obtaining sufficient evidence due to the fact that he was not in possession of any illegal substances. It is preposterous that such power can be given to one man, and stripped away from the community thatRead MoreHonor And Glory By Homer1574 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Greek warriors, and he is considered godlike because of his prowess in fighting. These great heroes were a physical representation of whom the other Greek warriors strived to be like. Another motivation to obtain honor and glory was the social power that was associated with honor and glory. 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The point as she develops it is a perceptive one, and far more layered and various in its implications than it might at first seem. But I wonder if perhaps Woolf did not really tap the full power of her thesis. She recognized the necessity of the writer’s financial independence to the birth of great writing, but she failed to discover the true relationship to great writing of another freedom; for just as economic freedom allows one to inhabitRead MoreImmorality In Gilgamesh2049 Words   |  9 Pagesand through the Water of Death to Utnapishtim. Humbaba was the monster who protected the Cedar Forest. He can do tricks by changing his face. The giant ship was called The Preserve of Life was a tasked by Enkidu which had abandoned his worldly possessions. Ishtar was a goddess. She was the one that let the fire and brimstone loose. That made Enkidu and Gilgamesh not meet eye to eye. That half lead Enkidu to the death penalty from the gods. That sends Gilgamesh failing his search for immortality.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Assignment Blood Disorder Free Essays

Assignment: Blood Disorders There are many blood disorders and some we cause ourselves, some are genetic and are caused even before we are born. A person can be affected with blood disorder at any time in life, lifestyle, family history and some symptoms are always in which blood disorders are identified. Then we have our environmental issues also can cause blood disorders, it is very important to know what we are dealing with and how to prevent measures that will help us avoid any of the self made blood disorders. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment: Blood Disorder or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some are being caused by bad nutritional habits, but we are very fortunate to be able to control some blood disorders; however there are those countries that have little available to overcome certain kinds of anemia. The blood disorders in the three case scenarios are all different, Iron deficiency anemia is a blood disorder that is affecting Amy who is a 4 year old Caucasian female, she has been complaining of being tired all the time she is a picky eater, because her mom cannot afford to feed a large family due to her being a single mom. The lack of iron deficiency or insufficient iron intake in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells can cause iron deficiency anemia. Amy needs a physical exam and needs blood work done to determine the cause of her anemia. Special blood tests are used to detect rare causes of anemia the blood test that Amy needs to get done are CBC (complete blood count) that determines the volume, size, number and hemoglobin content of her red blood cells. If the physician is still in doubt further testing may include checking the blood levels of iron and ferritin, a protein that binds iron in the blood, which may more accurately reflect the body’s iron level. Sometimes iron deficiency many not cause any symptoms, when iron deficiency has progressed to actual anemia, there can be fatigue, unusually pale skin, and a decreased ability to exercise. Since Amy does not eat a proper diet she really needs this blood test done and be seen by a pediatrician on regular basis. The recommended treatment for Amy is to improve her eating habits and to be monitored of her red blood cell count including her iron count. After being seen by a pediatrician she will be given a list of foods that she needs to include in her daily meals. Lean red meats, beans, egg yolk, whole grain products, nuts (making sure that Amy is not allergic to nuts) including seafood these foods are a great source of iron; she will also be given iron supplement to take on daily basis. Amy should go and see her pediatrician every three months to have her blood drawn to make sure that her iron deficiency anemia has improved. Iron deficiency usually is treated with iron tablets, syrups for children or injections; iron deficiency will last as long as its cause persists. Iron usually needs to be taken for many months to bring the levels back to normal. In this case we have Marcus a 5 year old African-American male who just moved to New York City, and is visiting his new pediatrician for a kindergarten physical. Marcus’ mother tells the nurse that she carries the â€Å"trait† and she wants Marcus to be screen for it. The â€Å"trait† is sickle cell which is a blood disorder that is inherited when there are two copies of the sickle cell gene in which one from each parent is present. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects nearly 100,000 people in the United States. Sickle cell disease causes red blood cells to form into a crescent shape, like a sickle. The sickle-shaped red blood cells break apart easily, causing anemia; Sickle cell disease is most common in Africans and African-Americans. It is also found in other ethnic and racial groups including people from South and Central America, the Caribbean, Mediterranean countries, and India. Marcus needs blood a blood test done to see if he carries the ‘trait’ so he needs to give a blood sample. That blood sample is examined under a microscope, but sickle cell disease is diagnosed by a blood test call hemoglobin electrophoresis, which measures the amount of the abnormal sickle hemoglobin. Marcus has not had any episodes of the disease he will have to take preventative measures to avoid having complications or onsets of symptoms. Sickle cell causes the blood vessels to become clogged and the body tissues are deprived of oxygen and that will cause unhealthy organs and tissues. That is why Marcus will have blood test done to determine if carries the â€Å"trait’. In order to avoid any serious infection the pediatrician will have Marcus take penicillin until the age of 6 years old along with that he will be taking vitamin folic acid (folate) on a daily regime. Avoiding temperatures that are too hot or too cold should be avoided, Marcus must also drink plenty of water; also Marcus’ mom needs to take him to regular office visits in order to prevent the disease and to stay healthy. There is no cure for most people with sickle cell anemia. However, treatments can relieve pain and help prevent further problems associated with sickle cell anemia. Scientific research is being conducted to find ways to prevent cell. Thorough studies of gene therapy and ways to replace abnormal genes that cause sickle cell are being conducted on regular basis. There are treatments when people are in pain having fever, weakness or having hard trouble breathing, they will have IV treatments (intravenous) fluids and antibiotics. The sickle cell is passed from generation to generation in a pattern of inheritance; people with sickle cell have one normal gene and one defective form of the gene. According to the Mayo clinic a Bone marrow transplant offers the only potential cure for sickle cell anemia. But, finding a donor is difficult and the procedure has serious risks associated with, including death. Our last case is Richard who has noted over the past several weeks that he is having more bruises or ecchymosis, all over his body. After coughing this morning, he noticed tiny red marks all around his eyes. Richard could have a blood disorder that is called Thrombocytopenic it is a blood disorder that causes a reduction of platelets in the blood and it could be cause by certain drugs as heparin, histamine blockers, also this disorder also causes the blood not to properly clot and it is very important that Richard avoids any type of activity that will cause bruising and open wound injury. Richard will need a blood test to find out what is causing his blood disorder. He will need to visit his physician to have blood work done; the blood work will include a CBC, PTT, (Partial Thromboplastin Time), PT (Prothrombin Time) these test are done to evaluate the blood for its ability to clot, since that is what could be why Richard is bruised easily. Lab tests to determine the platelet count and clotting function may also be done. If indeed a diagnosed is confirmed then there is a treatment plan that will be discussed. Treatments can vary according to the cause. Corticosteroids may be used to increase platelet production. Lithium carbonate or folate may also be used to stimulate the bone marrow production of platelets. Again there is no cure for this blood disorder, but there are treatments which are steroids to help prevent bleeding by decreasing the rate of platelet destruction. These blood disorders have several things in common; there are no cures and no way to prevent them. Researchers are continually working very hard to find a way to prevent and hopefully cure these blood disorders. The best way to diagnose these blood disorders are to have blood test done to prevent and get treatment early in symptoms. But the most effect way with these blood disorders is by obtaining an early diagnosis as soon as symptoms are presented so a treatment can be started as soon as possible. How to cite Assignment: Blood Disorder, Papers

Assignment Blood Disorder Free Essays

Assignment: Blood Disorders There are many blood disorders and some we cause ourselves, some are genetic and are caused even before we are born. A person can be affected with blood disorder at any time in life, lifestyle, family history and some symptoms are always in which blood disorders are identified. Then we have our environmental issues also can cause blood disorders, it is very important to know what we are dealing with and how to prevent measures that will help us avoid any of the self made blood disorders. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment: Blood Disorder or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some are being caused by bad nutritional habits, but we are very fortunate to be able to control some blood disorders; however there are those countries that have little available to overcome certain kinds of anemia. The blood disorders in the three case scenarios are all different, Iron deficiency anemia is a blood disorder that is affecting Amy who is a 4 year old Caucasian female, she has been complaining of being tired all the time she is a picky eater, because her mom cannot afford to feed a large family due to her being a single mom. The lack of iron deficiency or insufficient iron intake in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells can cause iron deficiency anemia. Amy needs a physical exam and needs blood work done to determine the cause of her anemia. Special blood tests are used to detect rare causes of anemia the blood test that Amy needs to get done are CBC (complete blood count) that determines the volume, size, number and hemoglobin content of her red blood cells. If the physician is still in doubt further testing may include checking the blood levels of iron and ferritin, a protein that binds iron in the blood, which may more accurately reflect the body’s iron level. Sometimes iron deficiency many not cause any symptoms, when iron deficiency has progressed to actual anemia, there can be fatigue, unusually pale skin, and a decreased ability to exercise. Since Amy does not eat a proper diet she really needs this blood test done and be seen by a pediatrician on regular basis. The recommended treatment for Amy is to improve her eating habits and to be monitored of her red blood cell count including her iron count. After being seen by a pediatrician she will be given a list of foods that she needs to include in her daily meals. Lean red meats, beans, egg yolk, whole grain products, nuts (making sure that Amy is not allergic to nuts) including seafood these foods are a great source of iron; she will also be given iron supplement to take on daily basis. Amy should go and see her pediatrician every three months to have her blood drawn to make sure that her iron deficiency anemia has improved. Iron deficiency usually is treated with iron tablets, syrups for children or injections; iron deficiency will last as long as its cause persists. Iron usually needs to be taken for many months to bring the levels back to normal. In this case we have Marcus a 5 year old African-American male who just moved to New York City, and is visiting his new pediatrician for a kindergarten physical. Marcus’ mother tells the nurse that she carries the â€Å"trait† and she wants Marcus to be screen for it. The â€Å"trait† is sickle cell which is a blood disorder that is inherited when there are two copies of the sickle cell gene in which one from each parent is present. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects nearly 100,000 people in the United States. Sickle cell disease causes red blood cells to form into a crescent shape, like a sickle. The sickle-shaped red blood cells break apart easily, causing anemia; Sickle cell disease is most common in Africans and African-Americans. It is also found in other ethnic and racial groups including people from South and Central America, the Caribbean, Mediterranean countries, and India. Marcus needs blood a blood test done to see if he carries the ‘trait’ so he needs to give a blood sample. That blood sample is examined under a microscope, but sickle cell disease is diagnosed by a blood test call hemoglobin electrophoresis, which measures the amount of the abnormal sickle hemoglobin. Marcus has not had any episodes of the disease he will have to take preventative measures to avoid having complications or onsets of symptoms. Sickle cell causes the blood vessels to become clogged and the body tissues are deprived of oxygen and that will cause unhealthy organs and tissues. That is why Marcus will have blood test done to determine if carries the â€Å"trait’. In order to avoid any serious infection the pediatrician will have Marcus take penicillin until the age of 6 years old along with that he will be taking vitamin folic acid (folate) on a daily regime. Avoiding temperatures that are too hot or too cold should be avoided, Marcus must also drink plenty of water; also Marcus’ mom needs to take him to regular office visits in order to prevent the disease and to stay healthy. There is no cure for most people with sickle cell anemia. However, treatments can relieve pain and help prevent further problems associated with sickle cell anemia. Scientific research is being conducted to find ways to prevent cell. Thorough studies of gene therapy and ways to replace abnormal genes that cause sickle cell are being conducted on regular basis. There are treatments when people are in pain having fever, weakness or having hard trouble breathing, they will have IV treatments (intravenous) fluids and antibiotics. The sickle cell is passed from generation to generation in a pattern of inheritance; people with sickle cell have one normal gene and one defective form of the gene. According to the Mayo clinic a Bone marrow transplant offers the only potential cure for sickle cell anemia. But, finding a donor is difficult and the procedure has serious risks associated with, including death. Our last case is Richard who has noted over the past several weeks that he is having more bruises or ecchymosis, all over his body. After coughing this morning, he noticed tiny red marks all around his eyes. Richard could have a blood disorder that is called Thrombocytopenic it is a blood disorder that causes a reduction of platelets in the blood and it could be cause by certain drugs as heparin, histamine blockers, also this disorder also causes the blood not to properly clot and it is very important that Richard avoids any type of activity that will cause bruising and open wound injury. Richard will need a blood test to find out what is causing his blood disorder. He will need to visit his physician to have blood work done; the blood work will include a CBC, PTT, (Partial Thromboplastin Time), PT (Prothrombin Time) these test are done to evaluate the blood for its ability to clot, since that is what could be why Richard is bruised easily. Lab tests to determine the platelet count and clotting function may also be done. If indeed a diagnosed is confirmed then there is a treatment plan that will be discussed. Treatments can vary according to the cause. Corticosteroids may be used to increase platelet production. Lithium carbonate or folate may also be used to stimulate the bone marrow production of platelets. Again there is no cure for this blood disorder, but there are treatments which are steroids to help prevent bleeding by decreasing the rate of platelet destruction. These blood disorders have several things in common; there are no cures and no way to prevent them. Researchers are continually working very hard to find a way to prevent and hopefully cure these blood disorders. The best way to diagnose these blood disorders are to have blood test done to prevent and get treatment early in symptoms. But the most effect way with these blood disorders is by obtaining an early diagnosis as soon as symptoms are presented so a treatment can be started as soon as possible. How to cite Assignment: Blood Disorder, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The American Dream Reasearch Paper free essay sample

Moften as in the past. Although obtaining the Dream has become difficult, people still haven’t stopped pursuing it. Despite the obstacles, the American Dream is still full of hope and enlightenment both financially and emotionally. The American Dream is known for its positive connotation, but there are many obstacles surrounding it. According to, â€Å"Obstacles to the American Dream†, by Eddy Isango, the Dream is toughest for immigrants. Many immigrants have problems learning the English language. When they arrive it is as if they have to start all over. Immigrants also don’t receive state benefits such as health care and food stamps. They have to find jobs that provide these for them, which is tough with the lack of job opportunity and rising cost of living in America. Financial obstacles of the American Dream can be overcome. Rieva Lesonsky encourages people to get over these hills by saying, â€Å"Acknowledge the hard times† (Lesonsky 1). We will write a custom essay sample on The American Dream Reasearch Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page People believe the Dream is changing. â€Å"Today, they say, the ‘dream’ is more likely about making money†, (Lesonsky 1). People have moved towards opening small businesses to achieve their financial dreams. These businesses, over time, increase the revenue of the people. The American Dream is still filling the emotional needs of people. Jeremy Pratt has dealt with a learning disability his whole life, but doesn’t let this stop him from achieving his dream as he says: ‘I’ve always had to work a bit harder than my friends without disabilities,’ says the 28-year-old. ‘But I finally feel like I’m on the way to having what everyone dreams of. ’ Pratt’s diligence in saving money is paying off; he plans to start house hunting as early as 2013. Blatt 1) Jeremy is achieving his life-long goal of buying a house filled with his art. He fought through his disability and obtained what he wanted. The American Dream still has appeal to Americans today. People still strive for a better life for themselves and their families. The freedoms of America allow for people to obtain their financial and emotional dreams that they have longed for. Works Cited Blatt, Burton, Jeremy Pratt. Achieving the American Dream. February 5, 2013 Isango, Eddy. Obstacles to the American Dream. February 3, 2013 Lesonsky, Rieva. The American Dream is Alive and Well-and Transformed. February 3,2013

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Harmful Effects of Colorism

The Harmful Effects of Colorism The effects of colorism are far-reaching. Skin color bias has an impact on self-esteem, beauty standards, and even personal relationships. An offshoot of racism, colorism is discrimination based on skin tone in which light skin is regarded as superior to dark skin. A serious social problem, its repercussions should not be underestimated. The Effects of Colorism on Relationships Colorism is a particularly divisive form of bias. In the face of racism, people of color can usually turn to the support of their communities, but that’s not necessarily the case with colorism, where members of a person’s own racial group may reject or resent them due to the skin color biases rooted in the West’s history of white supremacy. Colorism in the African-American community led to light-skinned blacks treating their darker counterparts in the same discriminatory fashion as whites have treated people of color generally. Dark-skinned blacks could be denied the chance to join certain civic groups, clubs, and sororities in their schools and neighborhoods. This led to these African-Americans being doubly discriminated against, by whites and the light-skinned black  elite, alike. Colorism turns intensely personal when it shows up in families. It can lead to parents favoring one child over another because of their skin color. This may erode the rejected child’s self-worth, break the trust between parent and child, and foster sibling rivalry. How Skin Color Bias Narrows Beauty Standards Colorism has long been linked to restrictive beauty standards. Those who embrace colorism not only tend to value lighter-skinned people over their darker-skinned counterparts but also view the former as more intelligent, noble, and attractive than darker complexioned people. Actresses Lupita Nyong’o, Gabrielle Union, and Keke Palmer have all spoken about how they desired lighter skin growing up because they thought darker skin made them unattractive. This is especially telling given that all of these actresses are widely considered to be good-looking, and Lupita Nyong’o earned the title of People magazine’s Most Beautiful in 2014. Rather than acknowledging that beauty can be found in people of all skin tones, colorism narrows beauty standards by deeming only light-skinned people as beautiful and everyone else as less than. The Link Between Colorism, Racism, and Classism While colorism is often thought of as a problem that exclusively afflicts communities of color, thats not the case. Europeans have prized fair skin and flaxen hair for centuries, and blonde hair and blue eyes remain status symbols for some people. When the conquistadors first traveled to the Americas in the 15th century, they judged the indigenous peoples they saw on their skin color. Europeans would make similar judgments about the Africans they enslaved. Over time, people of color began to internalize these messages about their complexions. Light skin was deemed superior, and dark skin, inferior. In Asia, though, fair skin is said to be a symbol of wealth and dark skin, a symbol of poverty, as peasants who toiled in the fields all day typically had the darkest skin. Why Skin Color Discrimination May Foster Self-Hatred If a child is born with dark skin and learns that dark skin is not valued by her peers, community, or society, she may develop feelings of shame. This is especially true if the child is unaware of colorism’s historical roots and lacks friends and family members who shun skin color bias. Without an understanding of racism and classism, it’s difficult for a child to understand that no one’s skin color is innately good or bad.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Program Evaluation and Action Planning Assignment

Program Evaluation and Action Planning - Assignment Example The main participants in the Community Outreach Program of Pancreatic Cancer Action Network are a group of patients who suffer from pancreatic cancer. 100 patients who are affected by pancreatic cancer at a high level are taken as the sample population for the study. This number is considered adequate for the effective evaluation of the program by understanding their responses towards the Community Outreach Program. The program has been purposely planned to determine their feedback for improvement in it, where necessary and related to re-sources and services. Besides, it also aims to create better awareness in the patients to enable them to make informed decisions about their concerns and treatment. The programs should be planned in such a way that is easily understandable to the patients. The patients will evaluate the program as: It decreases feelings of separation and desperation amongst patients and caregivers and also develops medical referral plan to lessen delays in treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer. An effective tool that enhances the level of knowledge of patients and healthcare professionals about pancreatic cancer and will provide proper care and treatment opportunities and â€Å"encourages all patients to consider clinical trials when exploring their treatment options† (Clinical Trials, 2012, para.1). ... â€Å"The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network offers a number of resources for pancreatic cancer patients and their families through the Patient and Liaison Services (PALS) program† (ASEG and The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Partner to Raise Awareness About Pancreatic Cancer, 2012, para.14). Patients receive adequate care, depending upon the knowledge and skills of their healthcare team and the health care professionals provide them the required resources and support services during the program. 2. Collecting a small sample (e.g., 5-10 surveys) or create mock-up data reflecting stakeholders’ evaluation feedback. Stakeholders are a group, organization or members who influence or can be influenced by the proceedings of the program. By examining and estimating the strategy plans of the program and results on a regular basis, to make sure that the program functions on a proper path and the that objectives are being attained. The evaluation tools that will be applied will p resent fast and recurrent response to assist and find the ways and means to solve possible problems and effectively guide the program towards its success. The PALS program consists of an evaluation element that concentrates on adopting quality assurance measures. Strategic plans are made to improve and expand these systems in order to make sure that suitable quantitative and qualitative information are created and evaluated. Such evaluation will be carried out on the basis of information collected from surveys, interviews besides discussions with various stakeholders, including patients, healthcare professionals and PALS members. The following surveys could be conducted: Inventory reports and contacts by program

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Engineering managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Engineering managment - Essay Example It also facilitates growth of the company’s telecommunication and financial services. Moreover, data mining has improved in Luscombe’s period and customers’ buying habits are better examined to customize the organizational policies according to them. There has occurred a general improvement in the standards of the store. Weaknesses: In the 8 year reign in which Corbett served as the CEO of Woolworths and his policies resulted into the increase in the returns of shareholders by 300 per cent. On the contrary, the policies implemented by Luscombe since 2006 have increased the return of shareholders by no more than 40 per cent in the whole 5 years. Thus, the competition is between 8 years and 5 years of governance, and 300 per cent and 40 per cent of increase on the return. This clearly speaks of the fact that the strategies implemented by Corbett as a CEO were more conducive for the increase in shareholders’ return as compared to those of Luscombe. Although t he organization has overall remained in profitability in Luscombe’s period, yet much of this can be attributed to the long term effects of the rational policies of Corbett instead of the policies adopted by Luscombe. Opportunities: Woolworths has conventionally managed to attract a large volume of talented young candidates for employment. Woolworths provides its workforce with training over a vast range of disciplines in order to improve their competence and inculcate sound management skills in them. It is the very training that is one of the cardinal reasons of success of Luscombe in his management of the company. Luscombe has served in Woolworths for 28 years, in which he received training and polished his skills on various levels as a manager. On job training is one of the most attracting characteristics of an organizational culture for the employees because they avail it as an opportunity to enhance their skills and become an asset for the organization. Having received th e training, they feel their skills improved, which offers them a feeling of assurance that their job is secure. They know they are better positioned to fulfill the needs of a particular business and hence, have both job satisfaction and job security. Threats: Corbett had maintained a culture in which all employees made their best effort to enhance the company’s profits and reduce the costs. However, Luscombe does not approve of the fact that employees work for as many as 12 hrs and sometimes even more than that. He thinks that the staff is putting in unnecessary effort to make the business profitable. Luscombe needs to realize that it is the same work pattern that had increased the return on shareholders’ investment by 300 per cent and that had doubled the revenues to $ 36 billion. The rate of increase in the return of shareholders’ investment has already decreased more than 3 times what it was in Corbett’s period. The current strategy of Woolworths: Curr ently, Luscombe is the CEO of the company. Luscombe is a very open and easily approachable kind of CEO. He has maintained very open relations with the senior management as well as the staff of the company. His attitude with the company staff is quite friendly, and he encourages team work. During his reign, all of the personnel of the company have united as a strong team. The staff is making all efforts to comply with the instructions of Luscombe. Their compliance has recently caused the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Beyond Worlds Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Beyond Worlds Introduction - Essay Example in 2002. He has also translated books and poems as well as having written other story collections. Agueros has been the recipient of many awards for his writing including the most recent Asan World Prize for Poetry ( Though Agueros was an American, his parents had migrated from Puerto Rico. His father, who had worked as a police officer in Puerto Rico, came to New York in 1920, only to be able to work in factories and restaurants. Eleven years later, Agueros’ mother came to be a seamstress in the garment district. As immigrants living in a poor part of New York, his family received an early form of what is now welfare. As a graduate of high school in 1953, Agueros spent four years in the Air Force. It was after his discharge that he received a Bachelor of Arts from Brooklyn College in English in 1964 where he won the first of many literary awards in playwriting and poetry. He went on to obtain a Master of Arts in Urban Studies in 1970 from Occidental College (Espada). In â€Å"Sonnet Substantially Like the Words of F Rodriguez One Position Ahead of Me on the Unemployment Line,† Agueros writes a poem about business. In this poem, there are several uses of symbolism, using music and yo-yos to talk about business and how the average person can be taken advantage of in it. He appears to evoke his own frustrations about how it is difficult to ever be heard by corporations and to get jobs (Agueros, 2003). In â€Å"Halfway to Dick and Jane: A Puerto Rican Pilgrimage,† Agueros discusses the triumphs and trials that an immigrant encounters when coming to America. He describes it in such a way that readers can feel that Puerto Ricans may feel as though they have lost a part of who they are when they come to America. However, in his comparison to storybook characters Dick and Jane, he seems to suggest that even those characters were created in a fictional society and established an identity so migrants

Friday, November 15, 2019

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Uses and Properties

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Uses and Properties CFRP: carbon fiber reinforced polymer Urvish Gajjar In the end of 1800s first time Edison used the carbon fiber in the electricity bulb. CFRP- carbon fiber reinforced polymer is a one type of the carbon fiber. Edison used the fiber into the filament of bulb but he was unsuccessful because his fiber produced by carbonization of cellulose stand such as cotton or from bamboo. Because of the not specific design and not specified properties his fiber was failed. Then after that time the research was start on fiber and in the middle of the 19th century carbon fiber used in insulation or in high temperature furnaces and in the industries like chemical plants and mechanical plant where we need some strength material. Before end of 19th century the increment shows in the carbon fiber field when the manufacturing process developed very well and allows for high modulus and high powerful fiber the reinforced process apply to the fiber and then they find the new type of carbon fiber which is CFRP. In Japan, first time work done in the CFRP field by 3 scientist of Japanese bureau of industrial technology. They were using poly acrylonitrile – PAN in the base material to manufacture carbon fiber this fiber had a high degree of molecular orientation. Then from that days the improvement is in process and now a days we can use PAN is major material in common use. The high stiffness and strength properties and low mass of CFRP have lead to more use in the aircraft and other industries. In 1977 CFRP use as skins in the aircraft. It was used in the vertical fin box and leading edge in the F-16 air force aircraft. CFRP has a very different properties one of its property is a very low co-efficient of thermal expansion that’s way it can used in space air craft because space aircraft has been work in the galaxy and there the temperature is between -110c to90c. Then in the 1980 CFRP was taken as reinforcement to strong then concrete beams then they people use carbon fiber poly mer in reinforced process and got the CFRP. So that’s a short past about the carbon fiber reinforced polymer In the synthesis or in making of the structure of CFRP in this composite more than two materials can be use so in the first step one material can be take as a basic or supporting matrix and at that time the second material build a structure on that base and reinforced the the hall material . this process is a very complex and costly .this hall process can be work under the certain temperature and pressure . After this process an epoxy can be filled out on the base material and make a hard and strong material then after the material cooled out . the mixture can produce by fiber of the different material in the main matrix. This way we can produce the CFRP from the carbon fiber. Fig 1. CFRP bond view In the Fig 1 we can see the large view from the gap of the two layer and how to build the layer of the polymer. In the aircraft the part of the aircraft need a strong tensile strength and the need the material which can not react on the environmental condition. So CFRP satisfy all this condition so it can be easily used in the aircraft industries for making the wings, tail of the aircraft For aircraft most important is the properties of the material which is used in manufacturing of aircraft because if the material has not sufficient properties related to aircraft it can be fail in future . CFRP is a one type of composite material. So it has a mixture of the two material so, it has two different kind of properties of two different material. CFRP has two part one is matrix and another is reinforcement. Second part is fiber so they give a high strength and first one is polymer which give a rigidity.In that because of carbon fiber CFRP has a high modulus of elasticity. And also have a low density, high tensile strength and last one is most important which low chemical reaction which is most useful properties for aircraft material. Fiber has a many different type of composite material but CFRP is a special one because it has a many positive properti9esw and many advantage given composite material the start with it’s advantage CFRP is a very strong material but with the extremely light weight it has been used in internal part of aero plane and car’s structure. The good thing about the CFRP is it has a high strength, rigidity, resistanc3e and low corrosion. so that’s way it is use in various important structure component. There are in composite material other material also have a good properties but CFRP is manufacture in specific condition so because of that reason CFRP has a good properties then other composite material .especially in field of aviation and space lights. This reinforced polymer s are the incredible potential see on other benefits of this material is that it is a low thermal expansion so it cannot more contract orexpand in such a different thermal condition. CFRP is a less corrosion properties because when the material manufacture with the specific resins, carbon fiber is used ant this one is a most corrosion resistance material so it is a less corrosive. We see the different advantage of CFRP is durability, radiolucency, electrical conductivity and ultra-violate resistance. CF is transparent to radian and invisible in X- rays so CFRP is radiolucency. Every material has a benefits and a drawback. CFRP also have some disadvantages. This material is very costly and its structure is very complicated and complex. It is a creep, low flexibility and brittleness material. In its disadvantage one of the major is that in the manufacturing time if there some mistake happen or process run improperly themn the hall material is useless and we can not use that material any more. So in it’s production time have to very carefull and we need special skilled worker. CFRP’s uses are increase day by day because now a days people need a reliable and easy accessable products. CFRP is a l0ow weight and good properties so people used this composite material in different field . In aerospace industries there are highest use of this material In past first aircraft made by composite material in that almost half percent material is CFRP. Then the branded car rolls-royce also use this material in that cars and bow a days in automotive, civil that’s all engineering field increase the use of the CFRP. If we see the different field like a sports , music and kitchen thaqt’s goods are make from the CFRP. In in future in this world mostly products are make from the carbon fiber. Second, in medical field dentist use the machine for operation that’s all are made from carbon fiber. So, we see small part of machine to Hugh aircraft all where we use this material. Fig. 2 composite material used in aircraft If we see from environment engineering site, the nature is give a high thinking and attention from today’s community. This is right for composite material as well. As we see ahead , that composite material is a light weight and high strength, that’s affect the environmental but it is low compare to real material like steel. Yes some time if we make a wrong composition for material that time its affect the nature .polymer is only affect by it’s pollution not other way. So, at last, CFRP is a good composite material if we use it perfectly References History of carbon fiber Sarah Lynn Orton. Development of CFRP system UMI Ann Arbor, USA September 2007 Dr. Joseph Kuruvilla , â€Å"CFRP composite-preparation , properties and app† , Wiley-Vch verlag Co. , March 2012 Hinton M.J, â€Å" Failure Criteria in Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer Composites: The World-Wide Failure Exercise† journal , online published on 2004. 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on the Role of the Gods in Homers Iliad :: Iliad essays

The Role of the Gods in Homer's Iliad        Ã‚   If one holds the contemporary view of the Christian God then it may be difficult to comprehend the actions and motivation of the Greek deities. The Christian God does not tend to take such an active role in the affairs of people's lives, where, on the other hand, "the Greeks regarded direct involvement by the gods as a daily, uncontrollable part of life"(Guthrie 17). Needless to say, divine intervention was a major variable in the equation of Homer's Iliad. The gods picked who they would favor for different reasons, except Zeus.   As the symbol of supreme authority and justice, he makes judgment calls as to the other gods' involvement in the war, remains impartial, and doesn't seem to get caught up in picking favorites. Even when his own son, Sarpedon, was about to die, Zeus chose to let the outcome go unaltered. On the other hand, Zeus's wife, Hera, displayed the more typical actions of a god. After Paris, a Trojan, judged Aphrodite the fairest over Hera, and, after her daughter Hebe was replaced as cupbearer to the gods by a young Trojan boy, she was quite resentful towards Troy and its people. Obviously, she sided with the Greeks and would stop at nothing to express her will. Scheming and manipulating, she even dared to trick her husband, King of the Gods. Hera, along with Athena, who was also passed over by Paris, is seen as the chief divine aid to the Greeks. Being the god of the sea, Poseidon was another strong supporter of the ocean-faring Greeks. Whenever Zeus turned his back, Poseidon tried to help the Greeks in the fight. Poseidon felt that he was somewhat Zeus's equal, as his brother, but recognizing Zeus's authority and experience, he looked to Zeus as an elder. There were also Gods who favored the Trojan side of the conflict. Both Apollo and Artemis, twin brother and sister, gave aid to the city of Troy. Although Artemis takes a rather minor role, Apollo, perhaps angered by Agamemmnon's refusal to ransom Khryseis, the daughter of one of his priests, and was constantly changing the course of the war in favor of the Trojans. Responsible for sending plague to the Greeks, Apollo was the first god to make an appearance in the Iliad. Also, mainly because Apollo and Artemis were on the Trojan side, their mother, Leto, also helped the Trojans.